Rabu, 08 Juni 2011

the analysis of "THE ZOO" by Erward Albee

The analysis of "The Zoo" involve;
1. Character and Characterization are;
    a. Peter :
        He is handsome. He is a man in early forties. He is polite. He is serious person.
        He is married. He has two daughters, two cats, two parakeets.
        He lives in 74th Street, east side of Manhattan.
        He works in a small publishing house.
    b. Jerry :
        He is a man in late thirties. He is dominating.
        He is verbally aggressive. He is ironical.
        He lives in the west side of Manhattan; lives in poor neighborhood.
2. Setting;
    In the Central Park.
    At Sunday afternoon in summer.
    There are two benches.
3. Plot;
    Peter sit down and read in a park bench in New York city; Central Park. Jerry met him and force to listen the stories of his life include "The story of Jerry and the Dog" and the reason behind his visiting to the Zoo.
    When Pete want to going home, Jerry begin to tickle Peter. Peter laugh and agree to listen Jerry until finish telling "What happen at the Zoo?" At the same time, Jerry began to pushing Peter of the bench. Peter decide to fight for his territory on the bench and became angry. Unexpectedly, Jerry pull a knife on Peter, the drop it as initiative for Peter to grab. When Pete hold the knife defensively, Jerry charges him and impales himself on the knife.
4. Point of view;
    This story used third person narrator.
    Because of the narrator did not introduce him self as a character, so it belongs to Non-Participant.
5. Style;
    * The grammatical structure:
       It is standard, the story is include narration and dialogue between utterance and the manner of player.
    * The sentence construction:
       It is long and short of sentences construction, dialogue and narration is long and short sentences.
    * The symbol is the zoo, that have meaning:
       The animal live alone in the cage; people live in isolation.
       There is similarity between animal in the zoo and human being live in communicate with one another.
       Life is a kind of zoo
       The zoo is a microcosm of real life.
6. Theme;
    Isolation and lack of communication are important problem; every body need someone to talk each other.
    Life is sometimes in a good way but brutal

Kamis, 02 Juni 2011

the analysis of "THE PROPOSAL"

The third assignment
The analysis of "THE PROPOSAL"
The element structure of drama "THE PROPOSAL"
1. The characters and characterization :
     - Stepan Stepanovitchi Chubukov = a landowner. He is talk active and proud to his wealth.
     - Natalya Stepanova = 25 years old. Chubukov's daughter. She is talk active and hard in thought
     - Van vassiletich Lomov = a neighbor of Chubukov. He is a polite and hold in principle.
2. Setting
    The setting of place in Chubukov's country side especially in his house at 1916.
3. Point of view
    The point of view is third person because the the narrator is not belongs to the story.
    It means that the narrator i out of the story.
4. Theme
    It is better to you speech to the point of your purpose  to avoid something bad moment happened to you.
    Don't proud to much to yourself in front of other people especially to your candidate wife.
5. Style
    The style of the drama is consist of utterances of the players and the text is long narration.
6. Plot
    The plot : Lomov visited to his neighbor; Chubukov's house. The purpose of the visiting is making proposal in marriage to Natalya Stepanova. Lomov came with special great dressing and tell a history about his wealth to proof that he is a good candidate con- in law so Natalya would be happy in the future. But in the middle of speech, they arguing about the owner of land in one place. Then, Lomov feel sick in his heart and decide to left Natalya and Chubukov. Lomov realize what the happen and disappointed.
In the second time Lomov came against tried to making proposal  to Natalya. But, arguing happened against. It was not about land owner; about Guess and  Quiezzer. Whose dog is the most great? In this time, Lomov fall down and did not wake up. He was die. Realize the situation Natalya and Chubukov are worried. they did not believe that Lomov was die without acceptable the proposal merriage.